The State Council announced a13-point policy package for boosting the real estate sector in December, but the government has yet to announce detailed rules on implementing some of the measures. 国务院于2008年12月份发布了促进房地产市场发展的13点意见,但是有一些措施还没有公布具体的实施细则。
Announcing they needed somewhere more modern and easy to look after, he shocked friends and former employees by moving his family to a tiny rented terraced house opposite a council estate in nearby Morpeth, insisting: Ive no interest in bricks and mortar. 伯尼认为,他们需要住在更加现代化和容易打理的地方,于是他做出了一个令朋友和员工们震惊的决定:举家迁往莫佩思附近的一所狭小的出租房。
History proves that it doesn't matter whether you e from a council estate or a country estate. 历史证实,无论是你们来自穷人家或来自富人家。
Occasionally, the children go to the playground in a rather grim council estate nearby and I have persuaded myself that the bratty kids who once pelted me with water-filled balloons from the same playground have moved to another town. 孩子们偶尔会去附近那座相当简陋的公屋的操场玩耍。我试图让自己相信,那块操场上曾向我投掷充水气球的淘气鬼们已搬到另一座城镇去了。
The Committee comprises representatives from the legislative council, the consumer council, the real estate developers association, the hkha, the hkhs, and the legal, surveying and building professions. 委员会的成员来自立法会、消费者委员会、地产建设商会、房屋委员会、房屋协会、法律界、测量界和建筑界。
The administrative department in charge of construction and the land administration department of the State Council shall administer the work of real estate nationwide individually or cooperatively under their own powers. 国务院建设行政主管部门、土地管理部门依照国务院规定的职权划分,各司其职,密切配合,管理全国房地产工作。
In 1994, the State Council delivered a decision about intensifying housing system reform of cities and towns, which opens the pace of Chinese real estate into the market. 1994年,国务院发布了《关于深化城镇住房制度改革的决定》,开启了我国房地产迈向市场的步伐。
In 1998, the state has adopted "State Council on further deepening reform of the housing system to speed up housing construction", and this reform has stopped the housing distribution, it marks that the real estate growth has entered a new development. 1998年,国家出台了《国务院关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革加快住房建设的通知》,停止了住房实物分配制度,标志着房地产业发展进入了新的发展阶段。
The No.24 document issued by the state council and the conference on national housing problem obviously raise the guiding principles, tasks and policies to control real estate market. 国发24号文件和全国城市住房工作会议明确了今后一个时期政府调控房地产市场的指导思想、目标任务和政策措施。
In September 2003, the State Council issued "Document 18", which publicly confirmed that the real estate is the core industry of national economic for the first time. 2003年9月国务院发布18号文件,首次公开肯定了房地产在国民经济发展中的支柱性地位。
In 2003, the State Council Notice about promoting sustained and healthy real estate market development points out that real estate industry has become mainstay in national economy. 2003年国务院关于促进房地产市场持续健康发展的通知指出,目前房地产业已经发展成为国民经济支柱性产业。房地产业在我国的重要性不言而喻。
Since July 1998, the State Council issued "the notice of on the further deepening of the urban housing system reform to speed up housing construction" to the housing reform, which has been rapid development of real estate. 自1998年7月,国务院发布《关于进一步深化城镇住房机制改革加快住房建设的通知》进行房改以来,房地产业得到了快速的发展。
After 1998, when the State Council announced the cancellation of welfare housing distribution system, real estate market in our country has made great strides forward. 从1998年国务院宣布取消福利分房制度开始,我国房地产市场取得了长足的发展。
State Council declared that the Welfare-oriented public housing distribution system was cancelled and residence was pushed to the market as a commodity. Buying houses is becoming a daily problem which people are concerned about when real estate is gradually developing as a unique industry. 1998年,国务院宣布取消福利分房,把住宅变成商品推向市场,房地产开始作为一个独特的行业迅速成长和发展起来,购房逐渐成为老百姓所关心的日常问题。